Winston has written numerous articles on painting with watercolours. The following were published in The Artist magazine.
2019 - (Dec) Atmospheric landscapes using a layering technique
2019 - (Nov) Atmospheric landscapes in soft light *
2019 - (Nov) Form in the landscape - illusion of depth and distance *
2018 - (scheduled) Painting snapshots – focal landscape subjects
2016 - (April) Dotty way to paint flowerbeds
2016 - (autumn) Striking Skies in Watercolour
2016 - (autumn) Painting Grey Skies in Norfolk Broads
2016 - (autumn) Make an Impact with Grey Skies
2015 - (Apr) Dotty way of Painting Flowers in the Landscape
2015 - (Oct) Anchor Points - Visual Centre of Focus
2015 - (May) Not just fifty shades of grey - Shadow Colours
2014 - (Aug) Perspective made Easy
2014 - (Feb) Foreground Matters
2013 - (Aug) Reflecting on Reflections
2013 - (Feb) Narrative Appeal
2012 - (Dec) Subduing the Light
2011 - (Oct) Using the viewfinder
2011 - (Jul) Enhancing the Light
2010 - (Sep) Composing with Shadows
2009 - (Sep) Landscapes with Trees (summer trees)
2009 - (Aug) Painting Doors and Windows ("Making an Enrance")
2009 - (Jan) Painting Winter Trees ("Winter Shapes")
2008 - (Aug) Wet into Wet Skies
2007 - (Sep) Crowd Control - Step by Step Figures
2007 - (Mar) Painting Snow Scenes
2007 - (Feb) A Place for figures in Landscape
2005 - (Dec) Composition III - Honey Trap
2005 - (Nov) Composition II - Emphasis on Impact
2005 - (Oct) Composition I - Show Stoppers
2005 - (Jan) Learning to Pain Figures
2004 - (Oct) Achieving Lift Off (Rescue Tactics)
2004 - (Jul) Painting Flower Gardens
2003 - (Dec) Winter Trees
2003 - (Sep) Colour in Shadows
2002 - (Dec) Painting against the Light
2000 - (Sep) Painting in the Rain
1999 - (Oct) Life in Landscapes
1999 - (May) Seven Minute Skies
* these articles were published in the Advanced Technique supplements distributed with the November issue of Leisure Painter and December issue of The Artist